Best Piano Moving Companies in Harrodsburg, KY

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Good based on 250+ data points.

About Firefighters Move U KY

Firefighters Move U is a trusted moving company based in Lexington, Kentucky. Owned and operated by local firefighters, paramedics, and military veterans, the company provides residential and commercial moving services across Kentucky. Their services include packing and organizing, ensuring customers can experience a stress-free move. The team comprises off-duty firefighters and trusted friends, ensuring customers can have peace of mind that their possessions are in safe hands. Their focus on customer service, attention to detail, and dedication to providing high-quality services sets them apart from other moving companies.

Services Offered

  • Residential Moving
  • Commercial Moving
  • Packing & Organizing


  1. Firefighters Move U KY is the #1 piano moving company in Harrodsburg, KY with a good rating based on 250+ data points.
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